
Bright Light and Your Metabolism

By |2022-03-26T04:32:55+00:00September 16th, 2016|Standard|

Exposure to bright light could affect your metabolism, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. Northwestern scientists found bright light exposure increased insulin resistance compared to dim light exposure in both the evening and the morning. In the evening, bright light also caused higher crest glucose (blood sugar) levels. Insulin resistance is

Harvesting Wind Power – Our Greatest Natural Resource

By |2021-10-27T13:44:47+00:00September 15th, 2016|Standard|

In today’s economy, with America’s escalating consumption of electricity and natural resources, the opportunity of an inexpensive, renewable and reliable energy source is seen by consumers as a breath of fresh air. That’s where wind energy arrives in. According to the Department of Energy, modern wind turbines can transform wind flow

Cooling Fans have an alternative Effect on Seniors

By |2021-10-27T13:54:21+00:00September 14th, 2016|Standard|

The heart rate and inside temperature of senior citizens subjected to 107 degree Fahrenheit temperatures and increasing humidity levels climbed even greater when they attempted to cool down off with fans– rather of falling as expected, according to study findings reported in JAMA. ” Although distinctions were small, the collective effect

New Electrical Storage Material Shows It’s Strength!

By |2022-03-26T04:38:48+00:00September 13th, 2016|Standard|

The procedure depends on the optical probing of the effective electric field experienced by a material. An external field is applied to the device and affects the absorption spectrum of materials that make up its photoactive layer. The result is referred to as “electro absorption” or the “Stark effect.” Natalie Banerji

New Technique Assists Advancement of Solar Cells

By |2021-10-27T15:10:04+00:00September 12th, 2016|Standard|

The procedure depends on the optical probing of the effective electric field experienced by a material. An external field is applied to the device and affects the absorption spectrum of materials that make up its photoactive layer. The result is referred to as “electro-absorption” or the “Stark effect.” Natalie Banerji in

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